Friday 29 April 2016

week 8

A mechanism for gathering and community 
A rebellion form convention
Innovative form and Involvement of People"


Light: This was used for the station board which is bark look and represented nature. It also harmonious and integral with the board design due to the vertical shape.           

Medium: The fabric-like medium texture couple with rectangle shape bench distinct the "bench" from other elements in the tram station and give a perception that it is a giant "coach".

Dark: The darkest texture has been used for enhance the uniqueness for the round structure, and can it add a bit of interesting to the whole structure. 


Updated model 1

Updated model 2

36 Textures

Saturday 23 April 2016

WEEK 07 Parallel Projections

 Simplicity amplifies the context
A rebellion from convention

Changing perspective for the viewer
 Propogation of personal connection

A mechanism for gathering and community 
A rebellion form convention

In Sketchup
In Lumion

Wednesday 13 April 2016


An appearance influenced by activity.

Simplicity amplifies the context (left). 
A rebellion from convention. (right).

Changing perspective for the viewer.

 Propogation of personal connection.

A mechanism for gathering and community.